Gagwoman Commons Ji Sun Too Her Woman Bring Upwardly Discovered Dead Inwards Suspected Suicides

Article: Gagman Park Ji Sunday discovered dead inwards habitation amongst mother... "no physical injuries"

Source: SBS via Nate

1. [+2,718, -29] ??????????? What is going on...????

2. [+2,424, -16] What is going on....

3. [+2,382, -26] I can't believe it, what is this? Both woman bring upward as well as daughter?

4. [+497, -3] Park Ji Sunday has ever been such a positive as well as brilliant person, I never idea she could do something similar this... I'm as well as therefore shocked ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã…  May she balance inwards peace...

5. [+488, -3] Wow.. I can't believe it. She seemed to portray such  high self esteem on TV.. She never cared nearly looks as well as fifty-fifty stood upward on TV inwards her bare human face upward amongst confidence. She loved her undertaking of beingness a comedian despite her prestigious education.. I actually can't believe this.

6. [+481, -2] When I take away heed tidings of other celebrities making this decision, I tin plow over the sack unremarkably larn a feeling of why it happened... but why did Park Ji Sun-ssi do this.. as well as amongst her mother, too...

7. [+465, -4] We demand to outset screening for low at annual physicals...

8. [+389, -2] Can you lot imagine how pitiable she must've felt the 2nd she decided to cash inwards one's chips amongst her mother... may she balance inwards peace

9. [+361, -1] Why ã… ã… .... simply how big was the sadness beehind the grin you lot showed us everyday ã… ã… 

10. [+340, -0] Seems similar she suffered from a hidden shape of depression. There are people who seem brilliant as well as outgoing on the exterior but are introverted as well as easily wound on the inside... Who knows what she was feeling but this is unbelievable as well as and therefore unfortunate.


Article: Will left past times Park Ji Sun's woman bring upward discovered... Police, "We cannot divulge the contents"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+2,655, -15] She was such a talented gagwoman who represented our country. I'm as well as therefore pitiable that she's left us as well as therefore suddenly.. Our nation's people volition miss your high lineament gags.. Please balance inwards peace inwards heaven

2. [+1,046, -10] She was a gagwoman of such a sort image.. what could've pushed her as well as her woman bring upward into this.. 

3. [+710, -59] In the midst of this, people are posting pictures of themselves praying on SNS.. are you lot actually pitiable for her? or are you lot addicted to SNS..

4. [+224, -5] What is going on? This is as well as therefore shocking. I promise that she's inwards a amend house now...

5. [+211, -1] What makes me fifty-fifty sadder is that.. she worked as well as therefore difficult at life to larn into a practiced school, move successful at her job, alive a life where no i hated her.. as well as yet fifty-fifty she nevertheless felt compelled to leave.. what is life ㅜ this is as well as therefore sad.

6. [+146, -6] May she balance inwards peace

7. [+109, -1] Our province needs to move worrying nearly our suicide rates as well as non our nativity rates

8. [+109, -3] I simply can't imagine what could've been making them endure that the miss wanted to exit as well as the woman bring upward left amongst her.. ã… ã…  I promise they're at a house sum of nada but smiles...


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