Should Dramas Reverberate The Reality Of Aspect Upward Masks?

Article: Why are actors inwards dramas non wearing masks?

Source: Chosun Ilbo via Nate

1. [+206, -3] Who would lookout adult man a drama where you lot can't meet the faces of the actors?

2. [+161, -2] This is a stretch

3. [+116, -3] A drama's merely that, a drama. Just because they're non wearing masks doesn't hateful it's unrealistic. Let's delight larn to differentiate reality from art.

4. [+11, -0] This is a ridiculous complaint...

5. [+8, -0] Can nosotros merely relax piece watching TV, please...

6. [+8, -0] Wearing masks inwards dramas... hence what nearly historical dramas? Just the idea of it is making me laugh.

7. [+8, -0] If you lot brand the actors vesture masks, it'll survive hard for them to deliver their emotions together with ruin the focus for the viewers. It'll also survive hard to hear, audio-wise.

8. [+6, -0] I do, however, detect it funny that varieties are using plexiglass now. It merely feels hence performative, peculiarly since they're all in all probability hanging out together inwards waiting rooms anyway. What a waste materials of resources.

9. [+5, -0] Expecting whatsoever drama to survive a reflection of reality is abnormal

10. [+5, -0] I'd rather lookout adult man cartoons than lookout adult man dramas where the characters are wearing confront masks

11. [+4, -0] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ This is a joke, right?

12. [+4, -0] We're already tired of the masks, produce nosotros convey to endure through that piece watching dramas too?


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