Prosecutors Bespeak Life Imprisonment For 'Nth Room Case' Scandal Jo Joo Bin

 Article: Jo Joo Bin who held his caput upward high breaks into tears at 'life imprisonment' sentence

Source: E-Daily via Nate

1. [+436, -1] Good, life imprisonment. I'd rather that he larn killed only never getting to larn out prison theater is skillful equally good

2. [+391, -1] Just kill him. Or process him similar he treated his victims.

3. [+318, -3] If he exclusively started crying at hearing the life imprisonment, that agency he spent all his life amongst no feeling of guilt or remorse. The women he tortured cried every unmarried twenty-four hours equally their souls died inside them. His victims deserve his expiry equally compensation for their suffering. 

4. [+24, -0] Jo's father: "The witch hunt against him is wrong... he's inwards deep reflection" ????????????????????

5. [+18, -0] Please judgement him to life inwards prison theater without parole. Don't allow him out early on because he's a model prisoner or whatever. He's going to become forthwith dorsum to doing what he's e'er done.

6. [+18, -0] Looking forrard to a life judgement without parole

7. [+14, -0] He ruined the lives of all of his victims only he's at nowadays begging for a lesser judgement of his own, where is his shame..?? What could he ever create to help his victims heal? Since nosotros don't convey a expiry punishment anyway, the best way he tin forcefulness out pay dorsum his victims is past times serving a life sentence.

8. [+13, -0] His appear upward grosses me out every fourth dimension I come across it

9. [+10, -0] Don't act similar you lot convey remorse. Don't you lot dare cry.

10. [+9, -0] Reflection is for your moments earlier expiry because people never commit to alter unless they're facing death. The best solution for a mortal similar him is expiry too I'd prefer it to a life imprisonment where he's kept hold out past times our taxes.

11. [+6, -0] Such a low-cal judgement for someone who murdered the souls of too therefore many women too dropped them into such deep despair. It should hold out similar the the US where they dole out 2,300 or 1,000 twelvemonth sentences too forcefulness fiscal compensation for the victims past times confiscating everything.

12. [+6, -0] Guys similar him should hold out stripped inwards prison theater too convey a surveillance cam on him that tin forcefulness out hold out accessed past times everyone inwards the patch too therefore that he suffers the same hurting he dealt to others 


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