Knit Vests Are The Latest Celebrity Agency Trend

Article: From IU to Rose... all y'all postulate is this knit vest this fall

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+314, -13] I retrieve these knit vests beingness a tendency dorsum 20-17 years ago... it actually does seem similar fashion cycles repeat themselves

2. [+223, -36] It exclusively looks fashionable because IU's wearing it... the residue of y'all volition cease upwards looking similar province bumpkins ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

3. [+99, -2] I retrieve these were super pop dorsum then... fashion actually does come upwards total circle 

4. [+88, -12] Is it genuinely fashion when no ane was wearing it until individual decided to in addition to everyone decided to purchase it upwards again?

5. [+47, -6] It's because of trends similar this that people cease upwards amongst a cupboard total of clothe they accept null to article of apparel out of ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

6. [+24, -1] Fashion may come upwards total circle merely the represent is ever different

7. [+17, -1] This was pop inwards 2012.. ã…‹ã…‹ Does anyone retrieve Teenie Weenie in addition to Who Are You?

8. [+16, -0] Reminds me of Giordano dorsum xx years ago. There was a classmate who showed upwards wearing null underneath in addition to I was hence surprised... at nowadays that same vest has returned equally a trendy item.

9. [+16, -0] Fashion comes total circle. Wearing this over your schoolhouse uniform was the tendency dorsum when I was inwards middle/high school. 

10. [+14, -2] I accept large breast in addition to hips hence vests brand me expect bigger in addition to shroud my waist. You accept to survive skinny amongst a at nowadays trunk trouble to clit this off.


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