K-Zombie Movies '#Alive' In Addition To 'Peninsula' Are International Hits

Article: Korean movies are a hitting internationally... about other chance amidst the virus

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+67, -10] 'Peninsula' ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ that did non produce good inwards theaters all over the world, it truly disappointed everyone past times trying to ride on the coattails of 'Train to Busan'

2. [+60, -7] '#Alive' is truly to a greater extent than realistic than I thought

3. [+40, -1] Yoo Ah In's acting was truly skilful inwards '#Alive'! Congratulations to it on getting #1 global!

4. [+35, -2] Yoo Ah In's acting was neat together with he looked cute inwards the painting demo equally well. It's definitely the type of grapheme that you lot could imagine trying to navigate a province of affairs similar that. Very fun movie.

5. [+31, -4] I liked that '#Alive' had a realistic aspect to it, similar you lot could painting a existent individual inwards that scenario

6. [+26, -0] I enjoyed '#Alive' inwards theaters. Yoo Ah In's acting was great. I watched it in i lawsuit again on Netflix together with I'm proud that it got #1 on the global painting demo chart.

7. [+24, -1] '#Alive' is worth a watch. I kinda lost focus towards the halt because at that spot were simply likewise many coincidences happening dorsum to dorsum but it's a fun painting demo I'd recommend.

8. [+22, -0] It's neat that Korean content is doing good globally. I promise that nosotros tin instruct this virus nether command together with then nosotros tin relish these movies inwards theaters without worry soon.

9. [+66, -48] I truly regard these 2 movies an embarrassment to our country. They're below B-tier.

10. [+22, -6] I enjoyed the shape for '#Alive' equally good equally the director's style. Much praise for the scenario screenwriters. It's a fun movie.


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