Jung Juri's Married Adult Man Receives Flak For His Leftover Nutrient For Her

Article: Jung Juri posted a motion painting 'for laughs' but it wasn't funny

Source: E-Daily via Naver

Jung Juri posted a motion painting of a box of pizza together with fried chicken that her hubby had left for her when she came habitation from work. Although she posted it to present the funny reality of taking assist of three children at habitation piece she was out at work, commenters didn't mean value it was then funny together with questioned whether he had whatsoever honor for her at all.

1. [+608, -107] Can yous imagine if a married adult woman had left that mess together with the hubby posted on SNS? She would acquire loathe over together with over together with over. That's Korea for you.

2. [+356, -4] It's none of my work organization but he should've pose a plate for her aside earlier earthworks in. That could've been a learning instant almost honor for the children equally well. You conduct keep to learn them that inwards club to earn respect, yous conduct keep to give it.

3. [+214, -8] It's best to simply remain off of social media... ㅜㅜ

4. [+142, -3] What's making netizens uncomfortable is that it's obvious that hubby was never taught improve together with that he's passing that downwards to their children too

5. [+33, -1] Leaving used napkins inwards at that topographic point was then wrong. He actually wasn't taught better? Anyone knows that leaving napkins inwards alongside your nutrient is a sign that you're done eating together with throwing it out. Fine, mayhap he didn't mean value to exit a split upwards plate for her aside, but throwing inwards your napkins together with used sauce packets is simply gross.

6. [+25, -0] Annoying that he left all his trash together with napkins alongside the pizza together with fried chicken he supposedly left for her

7. [+20, -0] That looks similar trash ã…¡ã…¡ The hubby should know improve inwards front end of the kids, this is simply then wrong

8. [+18, -0] Don't most people simply pose aside a split upwards plate for solid unit of measurement to consume later?

9. [+17, -0] Sounds similar the husband's trying to acquire far painfully obvious that he had a crude oil twenty-four hours of watching the kids when this is a normal twenty-four hours inwards the life of whatsoever mother. He didn't fifty-fifty feed them habitation cooked food, he fed them accept out together with he's trying to human action similar it was then hard.

10. [+13, -0] That's then wrong... is he trying to alternative a fight? 


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