Anne Hegerty Receives Oestrus For Her Tweet On Bts

Article: BTS is "A picayune Korean man child band" English linguistic communication broadcaster's contestation enrages 'Army'

Source: Seoul News via Naver

1. [+1,000, -36] She's inward big trouble...

2. [+823, -27] She's also wrapped upward inward white superiority, also stupid to fifty-fifty own got an identity exterior of her smug feeling of superiority.

3. [+413, -34] Does this grandma non realize that times are changing? She exclusively gets to telephone phone her province ameliorate than others because of her ancestors merely doesn't realize that they're all the same stuck inward the conservative quondam times serving a queen. Does she genuinely intend her country's ability volition terminal that long? Tsk.

4. [+94, -1] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Oh, she's going to last inward big problem for that ane ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ looks similar she wants attention

5. [+45, -1] This is how white supremacists ever act. They'll state something racist as well as and therefore telephone phone it a joke in ane trial they larn called out for it. They gaslight you lot into thinking you're the weird ane for calling them out. I'm genuinely shocked that people similar her are considered intellectuals. She must non own got whatever sense of professionalism or conscience. 

6. [+30, -1] The netizen who said "Just because you lot don't sympathize BTS doesn't hateful that you lot larn to state that BTS isn't of import to the hundreds of thousands all over the the world of dissimilar cultures as well as genders" said it right. I can't believe that people similar this adult woman all the same exist. Fighting to BTS as well as to all of Asia's artists

7. [+28, -2] Just seems similar she's trying to larn attending yesteryear attacking a grouping that sold out the Wembley Stadium. The best agency to bargain amongst people similar her is to non laissez passer her whatever attention...

8. [+15, -2] I'm certain our English linguistic communication Armies volition own got attention of this ã…Žã…Žã…Žã…Ž this elderly does non seem to last agreement what's going on ã…Žã…Žã…Ž


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