What Were The Most Buzzed Most Dramas In Addition To Varieties Online This Year?

Article: Im Young Woong as well as Mr. Trot, World of the Married, Paengsoo... the hottest on the mesh of the outset one-half of the year

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

Top dramas of the outset one-half of 2020
1. Crash Landing on You (12k posts, 75k comments, 12.8m views, 10.8% viewer rating)
2. World of the Married (10k posts, 71k comments, 9.8m views, 14.9% viewer rating)
3. Itaewon Class (7k posts, 40k comments, 5.1m views, 10.3% viewer rating)
4. Love is beautiful, life is wonderful (611 posts, 3k comments, 1m views, 26.7% viewer ratings)
5. Once Again (890 posts, 10k comments, 1.9m views, 25% viewer ratings)
6. Unasked Family (373 posts, 1k comments, 457k views, 23.1% viewer ratings)

Top diversity shows of the outset one-half of 2020
1. Mister Trot
2. Mister Trot's Taste
3. Romantic Call Centre
4. Giant PaengTV


1. [+220, -13] Im Young Woong's vocal touches the pump I haven't missed i episode of 'Mister Trot' as well as I'm yet watching reruns.

2. [+153, -11] Im Young Woong as well as 'Mister Trot' accept changed my life. I've never liked a celebrity earlier but I've been supporting him e'er since. He's give-up the ghost my vitamin every unmarried day, as well as life has simply gotten as well as thus much happier. He must endure glad I'm his fan.

3. [+124, -6] Of course of report 'Mister Trot' is the highest ranking diversity present of 2020. With Im Young Woong at the center, all of the trotmen accept shined, as well as I give thank you lot all of them for helping us through these hard times. Looking forwards to to a greater extent than shining action from Im Young Woong.

4. [+74, -8] It wouldn't endure an exaggeration to tell Im Young Woong has led this, he's the best

5. [+53, -5] Im Young Woong pretty much led this on his own...


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