Ssak3's Unrivaled Success Continues To Convey Upwards Fighting Of Fairness
Article: SSAK3 is weeping the charts amidst fighting "90s trending" vs "an unfair game"
Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver
1. [+247, -7] I don't psyche to much music but I intend it's unrealistic to involve that every unmarried facet of life has to last 'fair' no affair what. So what if these music shows are hard for other singers to larn on? It's non similar broadcast shows are obligated to supply phase fourth dimension to every unpopular vocaliser at that spot is, in addition to they choose no argue to either. "Unfair"? Why should whatsoever rookie last given the same chance every bit these 3 only to last fair? Isn't that truly unfair?
2. [+136, -32] I don't larn how it's unfair.. I dear SSAK3 ㅎㅎ
3. [+80, -6] The music manufacture is shrinking, barely worth a fist of anything, in addition to SSAK3 is blowing novel life into it. The manufacture should last grateful insetad of rolling inward jealousy in addition to envy patch acting similar they're taking away what should last theirs, tsk tsk.
4. [+75, -13] If we're going to fighting what's fair, hence it's unfair that people intend SSAK3 shouldn't last given these opportunities only because they're old... Rain's however a neat dancer, Lee Hyori tin dismiss however sing, in addition to Yoo Jae Suk is the visual member.
5. [+73, -11] Lee Hyori is however so, hence pretty, in addition to Rain is however every bit grand every bit ever. They both are the most successful solo singers of their fourth dimension in addition to I tin dismiss say why judging yesteryear their voices, charms, in addition to dancing abilities.
6. [+41, -1] Well how many years choose nosotros pose upward amongst daughter groups who choose no music talent at all? I'm to a greater extent than ill of that than this.
7. [+26, -0] I practise handgrip that SSAK3 does appear to last getting a lot of force in addition to back upward but they're ii talented singers amongst 1 vibe maker who are deserving of it, no? These 3 are only doing their jobs amongst their tools at hand. They're veterans of their acre hence of course of didactics they're going to last farther ahead than most people. I experience similar the people complaining virtually them are only whiny babies.
8. [+25, -1] Unfair or whatever nonsense aside... I similar SSAK3 for bringing dorsum the 90s vibes!!!
9. [+23, -1] What's hence unfair they're donating all of their music profits anyway
10. [+23, -2] But really, which historic menses grouping is the 1 amongst the lawsuit amongst this? Teens? Twenties? SSAK3 is a genre for us people who are ill of trot, auto-tuned idol music, in addition to undecipherable rap music. Do yous guys honestly intend whatsoever move on vocaliser tin dismiss line off this form of success similar SSAK3? Absolutely not.
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