Big Striking Apologizes For Jim Jones Sampling Inward Suga's Mixtape

Source: Sports World via Nate

1. [+2,406, -261] Finally this is upwardly inwards the media. This is really a really big bargain correct now. He was thoughtless to include this. Don't live similar a sure someone past times hiding behind your agency. Come forward, acknowledge your mistake, in addition to apologize.

2. [+1,882, -236] As you lot tin rank the sack tell from Nate Pann, anyone who dares to criticize BTS volition larn gagged in addition to beaten upwardly ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

3. [+1,753, -202] Aigoo.. he went besides far this time

4. [+369, -20] Why are Koreans shielding him when dark people are proverb this makes them uncomfortable?

5. [+329, -92] Not alone this but he said approximately other controversial affair where he claimed he was able to "finish this mixtape thank you lot to corona" in addition to "a luck brought to me past times corona".

6. [+268, -13] I saw a documentary on this in addition to it's really a pretty horrifying incident... If Suga does come upwardly up alongside a clarification, I promise it's i that everyone tin rank the sack understand

7. [+263, -3] All Suga needs to practise is explicate why he added a sampling of Jim Jones. He needs to clarify why it was included. History tin rank the sack live thus painful for others... in addition to I'm sure Koreans know that merely every bit well... thus nosotros demand quick feedback for this.

8. [+240, -34] Pfft... afterward acting similar an artist, similar he's thus different, he's merely a tryhard underneath it all

9. [+236, -15] Just similar how Koreans are sensitive to Korean-Japanese issues, nosotros also demand to live sensitive to the issues of other groups. I don't meet BTS lasting much longer if controversies similar this buy the farm along cropping up.

10. [+235, -26] I mean value he's suffering from a severe example of the creative somebody disease. Someone should tell something to him.


Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,395, -423] So all that media play virtually him existence a genius but the actual album production was done past times other professional person composers

2. [+1,201, -203] Yes, it's best to apologize quickly

3. [+961 -329] At to the lowest degree he admitted it speedily in addition to apologized. I'm sure he's upset if it was used without him knowing too.

4. [+242, -30] I've noticed that BTS has never really apologized for something themselves, they're ever hiding behind Big Hit ã…‹ã…‹ they campaign problem in addition to thus larn shroud behind their mother's skirt similar a piddling youngster ã…‹

5. [+234, -25] Even college students don't brand powerpoints this haphazardly... how tin rank the sack you lot merely include a vox because you lot idea it matched your vibe without bothering to banking corporation check the source or who the vox is by? Is this the cast of a Blue Planet cast idol?

6. [+221, -24] Didn't he tell thus himself when he get-go introduced the album? That he worked thus difficult on it, that he was proud? So why is he making Big Hit apologize for him this time? If he really thinks of himself every bit an artist, he should live apologizing for this himself every bit well. You can't merely blame this on approximately other producer. Doesn't that brand everything you've said thus far hypocritical?

7. [+194, -18] I tin rank the sack empathise it existence a fault but I don't empathise how you lot don't bother to banking corporation check an good that's existence included inwards your ain song.....;;

8. [+192, -18] So he's really claiming that he didn't know the source of an good sampling that he included inwards his ain song? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

9. [+165, -20] He had no employment dandy opened upwardly a whiskey spell introducing his ain album in addition to acting similar he's approximately hot shot creative somebody thus why is he hiding at in i trial that he's inwards trouble? He made his ain music, didn't he? So he should live the i out hither apologizing in addition to clarifying it.

10. [+157, -17] He didn't know..? He took the good clip in addition to sampled it in addition to didn't know?

11. [+150, -17] Good things are my fault, bad things are someone else's fault. He certainly enjoyed the spotlight of coming out alongside the album nether his ain parent but at in i trial that it's nether controversy, it's all of a precipitous someone else's move ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ He makes himself good similar a genius inwards his lyrics but I guess he doesn't fifty-fifty know the basics of his craft.

12. [+134, -15] So does BTS merely never apologize on their own? Once again, Big Hit is apologizing on their behalf...

13. [+127, -23] BTS must live hitting their expiration date, they're merely losing it these days

14. [+109, -8] So he's claiming he produced his ain album but that specific role was done past times approximately other producer ???

15. [+109, -18] Didn't he claim it was self-produced? So at in i trial it's approximately other producer? What is this?

16. [+98, -8] Then what virtually the Jim Jones good existence included inwards the BTS documentary from a twelvemonth ago? You really mean value the world are fools, don't you?


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